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>tiger woods scandal | jokes | prenuptial | scandal voicemail | text message | wife game | cheetah woods

>December 4: Tiger Woods scandal pictures, voicemail audio & text messages: Elin Nordegren given millions of $$$. Bad time has not ended for Tiger woods yet. Star golfer who is trapped in series of controversies sees no respite.

His affair with three women is making news again and again. Uchitel, cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs and Kalika Moquin a Las Vegas club manager, all “helped” Tiger Woods to stay in news.

In series of events, Tiger Woods seeks apology from his wife but mere words were worthless.

So now he has offered $ 80 million to his wife Elin Nordegren. This money will keep Elin with woods for another seven years. This money was offered to her for not leaving woods.

Kalika Moquin is also in news to have affair with woods but she clearly denied his relationship with woods.

In a statement she said “Sometimes I’ll deal with celebrities on my job on a day-to-day basis just to touch base with people But it’s completely untrue that there’s anything more than a professional ‘How are you doing? Are you enjoying your time in Vegas?’ conversation.”

Meanwhile tiger Woods denied his any strained relationship with his wife in a statement issued by him. Royce,half sister of woods has expressed her love and support for his brother. She said “I would like everyone to know that my love for Tiger is unconditional, and I wish he and my sister-in-law Elin the best.”

Woods got rid of criminal charges of his last week car accident but controversy about his number of affairs seems no ending.

We have found a text messages from Tiger Woods to Jaimee Grubbs supposedly. Woods has yet to say the text message claims were fake or wrong. Grubbs claimed this text message was sent to her:

Tiger: “I will wear you out…when was the last time you got (bleeped)”! “Send me something very naughty…Go to the bathroom and take (a picture).”

Those are some powerful words by Woods allegedly. I know if I was the wife of this man, that would not settle in my stomach too well. Grubbs also told US Magazine that she thought that Woods and his wife slept in different beds. She claimed that Tiger’s wife went through his phone and may had been already on to him before the media explosion. Apparently there was a chance that his wife was going to call Grubbs.

It’s also been rumored that Jaimee Grubbs told VH1 about her affair during a taping of a VH1 reality show that she was to partake on. VH1 edited it out apparently.

Grubbs claimed to have met Tiger at a nightclub in Las Vegas in 2007. She claimed she was a cocktail waitress at the times and he and her sustained a 31-month relationship together.


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